The sound of a land mower across my window woke me up. I checked the
time, 10:15am. I must have slept for a very long time, I was still
feeling dizzy. I needed more sleep, I closed my eyes to see if I could
sleep off again, but I couldn't. Instead, my mind played back on last
night's events. I tried hard not to think of it much, but it kept
ringing in my mind.
I felt for ibieme, it must be very hard on him.
I Was still grateful of the fact that he was ignorant of me and emon.
need to let this out of my mind. Its all in the past now, I have to
move on. I prayed silently that I won't have to run into any member of
that family before my departure from this city.
-if and only if God answers the prayer of a sinner-
I started recounting several bitter experiences I've had in the past due to my strong affinity for cu-n-t---s.
Axe men almost blinded my left eye for sleeping with the younger sister of their second in command.
I got thrown out of the skul hostel for sleeping with a girl at the hostel chapel.
good friend of mine lost her fiancée and had to drop out of school
because I insisted on turning a platonic relationship into a full blown
s--e-x-u-a-l relationship. Her fiancée found out and stopped paying her
fees which he had been paying.
I lost my first job due to my
se--x---u-a.l encounter with a colleague at the office, on top of my
oga's desk. (Serves him right, I hated that job after all, and my oga
was a jerk).
And so much more. . .
this one. I've messed up a good friendship with a friend, made his
parents and sibling to pass through emotional trauma (not flox, she can
go to hell for all I care).
Don't get it wrong, it isn't all
encounters that lands me in trouble, I have had healthy relationships.
Yes, I have had wonderful relationships that involved love,
sex, care, s--e---x, respect, s--e---x, mutual understanding,
s-e--x, and last but not the least, s--e--x. I have kept relationships
that lasted as long as. . .(Ok, I will have to calculate that later).
sound of music playing at the reception hall brought my mind back to
the hotel room. I felt I pinch in my stomach, the exact same way I feel
whenever I am hungry. I needed to freshen up and head home.
My phone rang, it was my girl friend.
"Hello dear",
"Hello horn, how are you doing?",
"Fine", I replied.
"I have been trying to reach you since last night, seems you were busy", she said innocently.
-yea, I have been busy screwing two sisters on the bed and car of their brother, how poetic!- I thought to myself.
"Sorry, I was tired and I slept off".
Slept off!
That was the line I used on ibi and it worked pretty fine. Or not.
"Ok, horn, no problem, how is your day going?"
We talked for a while then she hung up.
It was already 12:05pm, I had to get ready to check out of the room.
went into the bathroom, had a quick shower, dressed and left the room.
I was headed to the bank, or any Atm around, get some money and head
back home.
I walked into the reception hall. It was almost empty
except for a few people gisting and drinking. I didn't see the lady
receptionist, no attendant at the receptionist desk.
Mtv base was playing 'Runaway Love' by Ludacris and Mary J. Blige
Its chorus described the exact situation I find myself right now. . .
"Lisa is stucked up in a world on her own
Forced to think that hell is a place called home
Nothing else to do but get some cloth and pack
She said she's about to run away and never come back. . ."
Change the 'she' to 'he' and you'll be singing about me.
I waited for the receptionist at her desk. I wanted to submit the room keys and head out.
of the hotel attendants moved past me with a plate of white rice with
fresh fish pepersoup, she dropped the food at the desk of a customer
seated at the hall.
I felt that pinch on my stomach again, this
time around, I felt I was going to faint if I don't eat anything. My
stomach had a way of reacting when it needed food, and more especially,
when the food it needs just passed by.
I beckoned on the
attendant. She came and I asked about the receptionist. She informed me
that she went on an errand for the oga.
I might as well help myself
with a plate of food before traveling back. Calabar to my destination
was a complete three and a half hours to four hours.
"What soup do you have"
"Egusi, afang, edika nkong, bitter leaf", she replied.
I ordered for afang soup.
"Garri, fufu, semovita or pounded yam?" She asked.
"Garri. With and bottled water".
She left with my orders while I survey the hall once more to see where will be best to sit.
There was a small section of the hall enclosed with transparent curtain. That would be the best place.
Someone was smoking at that section of the hall, divided with a transparent curtain.
It was a lady.
She looked up a bit as I walked past her to the table next to hers.
sat and waited for my food. I didn't want to look at the girl's
direction. It was rude to stare, she must have needed some space when
she choose this section of the room to smoke on her own.
I felt she was looking my direction, so I looked up.
Yes, she was staring at me.
Now this is weird.
glanced at her again and notice she was still staring at me. I tried to
focus my gaze on her, and noticed she was smiling and started waving
towards me. She moved her hands and lifted some strands of hair covering
a part of her face. I could see the face vividly now, lo and behold,
seated few tables away from me was Margaret.
I asked.
"Yes", she replied still smiling.
The same Margaret emon warned me about!
What the hell is she doing here!
I never bordered giving her a call
ever since she gave me her number at the stadium. But seeing her today
stirred up something in me.
With legs crossed, a
hand holding a stick of burning cigarette close to her face, a slight
smile across her face with the smokes rising from the cigar, she could
pass for a model posing for pictures to be used in the front cover of
-what are you waiting for? Go over there and say hi-
That same voice that has been pushing me to self destruction whispered to me.
-isn't this your dream girl? Of course you like them raw-
the voice continued.
What the heck, let me just go over and say hi, a harmless hi.
How wrong was I.
I went over to her table, she was sitting in a double sofa, I helped myself out with a sit opposite her sofa.
From the look of things on her table, it was obvious she had been at the reception hall for a long time.
was an empty plate of what looked like the remains of goat meat
peppersoup, an empty bottle of small stout with the second bottle half
way down, with smoked cigarettes sticks and ashes scattered over the
I noticed her right eye was a little reddish, maybe the result of the smoke.
As I settled down opposite her, I remembered the words of emon once more. . .
"I have to warn you about Margaret, she is in the same department
with me at unical, but a level lower. She has a reputation as the
s-l-u-t of the department. She sleeps around with both students and
lecturers without caution"
This is my kind of girl. No commitment issues, no baggage, no excess strings attached, -just get your freak on-
When I need love and commitment, I know where to get it, 'my girlfriend'.
Its very unfortunate I was going to leave this city today, I thought to myself.
"Finally, we meet again", her soft voice interrupted my thoughts.
so nice seeing you again", I said, trying not to look surprised at the
number of smoked cigarette littered over her table. Is she trying to
break a record or what?
"You didn't call again?", she asked.
-yea, why haven't you called her?-
"Sorry, I've been a little busy adjusting to the city".
"So, how is it going?", she asked.
"What brings you here", she asked.
Now that's a JAMB question!
wish there was a simpler explanation to that question. How am I going
to explain to her that I got thrown out of the house for having SEX with emon and flox? How am I going to explain to her that my
strong urge for SEX has ruined what was supposed to be a wonderful
vacation for me. How am I supposed to tell her that as I speak with her
now, she exhumes a special sexuality that has enveloped my sense
of reasoning. She was wearing a simple jean trousers and a white top,
with a cheap lingerie that looked washed and old. Her ear was pierced at
three different places and all three had ear rings of different style
and shape. There was a small tattoo on her left arm, it was a little bit
blur so I couldn't make out what it was about. A small section of her
hair was golden in color, a result of using hydrogen peroxide as a
The attendant walked in with my food. It was a welcome
distraction from the question lingering in the air. At least, I have
bought some time to make up my mind what I was going to tell her.
nice order" she said as the attendant dropped my food on the desk. The
afang soup was a sight to behold! The water leaf and grinned okazi leaf
formed a dark green background, and the palm oil added extra effizy. The
soup was adorned with periwinkles, bits of kpomo, goat meat and a large
chunk of round fleshy cod fish.
Another pinch from my stomach.
exchanged some words with the attendant in their native language. She
seemed to be giving instructions or making an order. The attendant
started walking away, I reached for my wallet as I asked how much the
food costs. She exchanged glances with Margaret and remained silent.
Margaret waved her away and told me she was going to take care of the
bill. I didn't have the strength to argue as I bounced on the food.
She lit another cigarette as she waited for me to finish with the food. In between the meals, I noticed she was
checking me out.
The food tasted great, I didn't realize how hungry I was until now.
I finished the food, washed my hands and breathed a deep sigh of relieve.
attendant came in with a plate of cow tail pepersoup and dropped on my
desk as she cleared the table. The large chunks of meat on the plate
looked scary. They were so big that it would take two days to finish one
-ok, that was an over exaggeration-
"You didn't have to order or pay for my meals", I told her. At least, I now have the strength to argue.
"I was expecting a thank you from you". She said.
"Thanks, but you still didn't need to do that".
"Alright, I've heard you. Now what drink are you taking?"
"If you heard me you wouldn't still be trying to buy me drinks", I said with a smile on my face.
"Just take it as a warm gift to a stranger that came to calabar for his first time", she teased.
I wanted to tell her I wasn't taking any, that I was headed to the bank to get some money and head home.
But I didn't.
"If you insist, any red wine will do".
She waved at the attendant, handed a bunch of keys to her and spoke to her in her native dialect.
attendant left. I noticed she didn't go to the bar, but rather, went
outside towards the second bungalow in the guest house. She came in
later with a bottle of La Roija.
She opened it swiftly with the wine
opener as if this was what she does for a living. She poured into two
glasses and offered me one.
"Honestly, I can't finish this cow tail, do you mind joining me?"
"No qualms", she answered as she took her first sip.
After the food, she lighted another cigarette and offered me one.
"No, I don't smoke", I said calmly.
"I know", she said, "and I'm surprised you haven't complained or asked me to stop yet".
"How did you know?", I asked.
not rocket science. Smokers are addicted to cigarette, and an addict
can't resist the act he or she is addicted to. The first thing you would
have done when you came over here was to pick one and light".
I didn't really understand the hypothesis she was explaining, but one thing caught my attention,
-An addict can't resist the act he or she is addicted to-
Is that the problem with me? Am I addicted to se--x so much that I can't resist it?
"Are you not worried about your possible addiction to cigarettes?" I asked.
I have tried stopping it in the past, but I couldn't. You can't fight a
higher power. The best thing to do is to embrace it and pray it doesn't
kill you".
Now this sounds more frightening! She was talking of
cigarettes, but I was thinking of my possible addiction to se--x. How do
I embrace s--e-xx? Go on a rampage and f--u-c---k'k any girl that comes
my way? That's the surest way to die, I thought to myself.
"If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger", she concluded.
-wow, s--e-xx addiction doesn't give you a second option; if it doesn't kill you, it messes up your life-
I have tried living in denial for some time now, I might as well try
the margaret hypothesis, 'embrace it and pray it doesn't kill you'.
-Wouldn't it be nice to try out that hypothesis on no other one that the girl that proposed it-
That same voice again!
red wine was almost finished. I have been chatting with margaret for
almost two hours. She was sweet and easy going. I stood from my seat and
joined her at the sofa. She adjusted herself to make room for me. I sat
beside her as she took the last sip of her drink. She puffed some smoke
on my face and laughed out.
"I could teach you how to smoke if you so desire", she said.
"I can only smoke if its coming out from your lips", I said, trying to warm my way in.
"Seriously?", she asked.
"For real, try me".
drew some smoke from the cigarette, held the smoke in her mouth and
beckoned on me. I moved closer, place my lips on her mouth and she
exhaled the smoke into my mouth. It was not a pleasant experience, but I
calmly allowed the smoke to pass through, I puffed them out, and
started kissing her. Margaret was a passionate kisser, she kissed and
sucked my tongue for a long time.
I still had my room keys, and the hotel receptionist was not yet back.
I was about to ask her to come into my room when she whispered into my ear.
have some more bottles of Roija in my room, you can join me or stay
here and turn to a second-hand smoker". She teased as she stood up with
her keys.
"You are lodged here?", I asked.
"Lodged? My dad
owns this guest house, and I have a permanent room in the second
building", she said as she pointed in the direction of the second
bungalow, where the attendant brought the Roija from.
I stood up as she held my hand and led the way to her room. One thing was missing. . .
There was something striking about margaret. She was intelligent and has
an strong aura of confidence. She doesn't strike me as a confused lost
girl who was just experimenting on stuffs she see on tv. I like
confident girls, I like bold girls that knows what they want and goes
for it.
There was something negative that comes with over confidence; margaret was a control freak! She loves being in charge.
followed her to her room, which was one of the rooms at the guest
house. It was the last room in the block and was close to the citrus
plantation. I felt she had put some extra decoration in the room to make
it look more feminine.
She headed straight to the bathroom and asked me to make myself comfortable.
"There is wine on the fridge", she beckoned from the bathroom.
opened her fridge, there were drinks there; can beer, red wine, and
some fruits. I didn't feel like drinking anymore, so I took a bottled
water and lied down on the bed. She join me later on, lied down beside
me and placed her hand on me chest. She caressed me chest, I moved
closer to kiss her, but she moved her head away and smiled.
. .", she said as she gently moved my cloth upwards and slipped her
hand inside. She rubbed my chest as her hand found my unmentionable. The
feel of her touch was gently stirring a strong wave of passion deep
inside me. I moved my hand towards her, but she stopped it half way.
"Shhh. . ." She said again.
knelt down on the bed and pulled my clothes up and removed them. She
kissed me lightly on the lips, then deeply with her tongues, caressing
my chest and unmentionables the same time. I was burning up with
passion. She moved her lips to my unmentionable and started teasing it,
she was doing it so skillfully with a certain degree of precision, she
knew what she was doing, she's damn good!
She lifted her head,
looked at me and smiled as she started removing her cloth. I leaned
forward as I tried to help her remove them but she hushed me again. She
pulled away and removed her jean trousers and returned back to her
position. She unbuckled my belt, I adjusted as she pulled down and
removed my trousers. She glanced at the big bulge showing on my boxers
and smiled.
I wondered what the smile was about. Is she impressed or
disappointed? Why do I even care, I need to get some grooves on and
screw this girl.
No condoms!
I remembered the receptionist
and her offer of free condoms that I declined. I haven't seen the
receptionist today, and I don't know if the offer still holds, after all,
my rent has officially expired.
But margaret is the boss, she could arrange something.
soft pull on my dick brought my mind back, she was squeezing it
softly and steadily. It was driving me crazy. She parted my boxers
slightly and held my dick in her hands. The warm feeling sent some
excitement down my spine.
I can't take this any more. I held her shoulders lightly but she removed my hands. . .
"Shhh. . ."
She continued squeezing my d--ckk softly, moving her hands up and down
over the shaft. She kept teasing my unmentionable with her tongue, and
tikling my d--kk. The sensation was unbearable, I couldn't stand it
anymore. She reached out and unhooked her bra wiggled her b-re'a'st
closely in my face. I tried to reach for them, but she moved them away.
She lifted her head up and squeezed her bosom softly. Now its clear she
was trying to torment me. Its obvious she was loves being in charge and
to dictate the pace. I wasn't used to girls being in charge during
s--e-xx, that was my area of expertise, I love dictating the pace and
tone of my love making. I love being in charge when my subject screams
and moans. I love keeping a cool head when my subject is pinching the
pillow, dragging bed sheets and twisting her neck front backwards and
But here I am, doing the exact same things a love seeing in
my subjects while my tormentor kept a cool head and plays me like a toy.
reached out again and caressed my di--c-kk. She held it in her hands
and rubbed the tip gently. I moved my hips upwards in reflex, the
muscles of my d--c-kk jerked, like I was going to release but nothing
came out. She rubbed it again and same thing happened. My heart was
beating fast and I couldn't think straight. I reached out and held her
br--ea--st as I leaned upwards to suck them. She resisted me gently,
pushed away my head lightly, I held on with my hands. She doesn't have a
right to torment me this way. I needed her badly now. I felt my d--c-ck
will burst open if I don't get some action.
"Just say it", she whispered into my ears. "Tell me how much you want me now".
Isn't it enough that she is tormenting me, now she wants me to beg. I had no choice, if that's what it will take. . .
"I want you now".
"Say please. . ."
What! Now its obvious she's not just a control freak, but a manipulator. But she was damn sexy.
"Please I want you now". I said as I leaped forward to suck the breas-t, she pushed me down again.
"Shhh. . ., not so fast".
pulled down her pants and ran her hand through her pubic hairs. She
squeezed her nippl--le--s and gradually inserted her forefinger into her
c--u-n-t. Her gaze was focused on me as she did the squeezing, her
actions were driving me crazy.
I gave up.
"Please, I need you now".
She smiled, stood up from the bed and walked away from me. . .
-Don't tell me she's going to leave me to hang here high and dry.-
Now this is extreme. Is she possessed? I'll be damned if she walks out on me like that!
She gradually strolled to her drawers, opened one of them and brought out a roll of condoms.
-Now you are talking-
I reached out to grab the condoms but she seized them, brought them with her as she climbed back to the bed.
-why is she so possessive-
"Say it again", she said kneeling over me.
"I want you now"
bent her head and kissed me. Grabbed my d--c'kk again and stroked it
sweetly. It was so hard that it started to pain me lightly. She tore
open a condom, held its tip against the tip of my d--c'kk with one hand,
and smoothly slide it down the shaft of my di---c-k with the second
had; she was good at this.
Still kneeling on the bed, she crossed
her legs against mine, spreading her laps in the process. She bent a
little, like she was trying to kiss me, lifted her hips up a little,
forming a small curve at her back. She grabbed my d--c'kk, placed it at
the entrance of her c--u-n-t and gradually let down her hips until my
di--c-k was totally swallowed up in what lies beneath those laps.
felt a warm sensation all over my d--c'kk and seams the sensation was
evenly transfered to all parts of my body. She moved her hips smoothly
forward and backward. The movement was slow and well calculated. She
used her knee to support and dictate the movement while her hips did a
little twist and turn on the process. Gradually and consistently, she
increased the pace of the movement; forward, backward, up, down in a the
same order as if she was practicing a well revised pattern, while her
hips did the twists and turns simultaneously.
I reached out to
grab her waist and she met my hand halfway with hers, moved them over my
head and pined them on the bed while leaning forward on the process.
This provided a new angle as she wined her waist against my di--c-k. I
felt helpless, the br--e-a-st was close to my face, but she made sure it
was beyond my reach anytime I try to reach for it with my tongue.
the turning and wining became intense. She moved faster and seemed to
have ignored the well patterned movements. She let go of my arms and
started squeezing her br-e-a--st as she leaps and lands on my d--c'kk.s
She let out small moans on the process and the sight of her squeezing
her bosom as it bounces up and down did it for me. I felt all the stored
up pressure move swiftly to the tip of my d'i--ckk. I tried to hold it
further, but the violent movement of the hips as it strokes my d-i-c'k
was more than I could control. She moaned softly as she rested her hands
on my chest, leaned forward and did some fast and swift movement with
her hips on my d--kk. It was so swift that she must have completed 12
cycles in 3 seconds. I reached out, grabbed her waist, she was so
engrossed with her orgas--m that she didn't bother to remove my arms. I
held the hips in a steady position and moved my waist downwards and
upwards with all the strength I could muster. She wanted to move, but my
firm grip made her helpless, I thrust in and out and made sure my
di--c-k went all in during the upward movement. She kept her hand on my
chest as I keep hitting the walls of her c-u--nt, I noticed she looked
helpless and that gave me a feel of satisfaction.
I tried to hit from
an angle so as to maintain contact with the 'Gee' spot. This made her
to cringe and let out loud moans. I maintained this angle for a few more
thrust, she screamed out loud and clim-axed again. Soon afterwards, I
came so strongly that I started feeling a slight headache
She lay on my arms and slept off. I checked the time and it was already 3:15pm.
new turn of events is quite suiting. Few hours ago, I was determined to
rush home and abandon the calabar carnival. Now, everything seemed to
be so perfect that I felt I could stay back. What the heck, if
margaret's parents own this guest house, then there's a possibility that
I can stay here and witness the carnival I came for in the first place.
glanced at Margaret, she was sleeping peacefully. I still needed money
and a new set of cloth. I wouldn't want to be a liability to her, so I
will get extra cash from the bank, just in case I was to retain my
previous room. Her life style does not strike me as the type that keeps a
relationship for long, so I was going to grab all I could get and head
home peacefully.
I slept off.
My phone rang, it was my girlfriend.
"Hi babe, what's up?"
"I'm fine, she replied. What's happening, you didn't call me again",
"I'm sorry, I've had low battery all through the day".
-bloody liar!-
spent a long time discussing and later hung up. The discussion must
have woken Margaret up. She stroked the hairs in my chest, looked up at
me and said,
"You are a good f--c'kk".
She spoke like she did the f-c'kking. She really is a control freak.
reached for her fridge, brought out two canned stout and offered me
one. She opened another drawer and brought out a pack of cigarette and
lighted one. She came back to bed and rested her head on my shoulders as
she light the cigarette. She drew in the cigarette so hard that I felt
she was going to catch fire. Just one puff and the entire room was so
filled with smoke.
We started making light discussions.
was obvious we were going to get tired of the light talk, and she was
going to ask some questions that may lead to me explaining yesterday's
event so I decided to be the one asking the questions.
"Are you a
student?" I asked, hoping to start the line of conversation of "which
school, "what course", "what level" bla bla bla but the laughter that
met my question was alarming.
Margaret burst out with a loud
laugh that left me wondering what it was she was laughing about. She
spilled some drink on the bed as she tried hard to stop herself from
choking on the smoke that was now rushing out through her mouth and
She kept on laughing loud that I had to look around to check if there was something happening around us that I wasn't aware of.
"I'm sorry", she said still trying hard to control the laughter but not succeeding in her attempt.
She calmed down later.
"Why were you laughing"
"Your question was funny, don't you think so?"
"What's funny about my question. Are you too young or too old to be a student?", I asked.
"You ask as if emon didn't tell you about me already".
first instinct was to lie, but I waved it aside. She was so sure of
what she was saying that lying would make me look like a fool.
How did she know emon told me about her? Is emon that predictable? Is there something I'm missing here.
"She also told you I was a s--l-u---t didn't she?"
If I had any intention of lying to her, it all disappeared now..
Yea, I am truly missing something!
There's a missing piece of this puzzle
When Emon warned me about Margaret at the stadium yesterday, I didn't
read more into it. I just took it as the normal hostility or dislike
girls have towards each other. I felt emon was just being paranoid,
coupled with a bit of jealousy and an urge to protect me.
I still
remembered the way she looked at me when I was chatting with margaret
at the stadium. Was her comment just a warning or was it a hateful
effort to spite an adversary?
I need answers.
The look of surprise on my face made her to laugh a little more.
"She told you I was a slut didn't she".
I hesitated for some seconds.
"You're not the only one she has said that to, and I don't think you'd be the last either".
"So, why is she painting a false picture of you all over the town?" I asked, willing to fix this puzzle.
"False?" She asked as she smiled. "She's not entirely wrong sha, I deserve that".
She light another cigarette.
isn't a s--l-u--t?", she continued. "I sleep with guys, who doesn't? If
your activities become obvious, then you are termed a slut,a bitch, whore or whatever humiliating name they can conjure up".
She was calm as she sips her drink and draws the cigarette like the two complements each other.
truth is that girls give it up at one point or the other in a
relationship. It could take a day, a week, a month or a year but at one
point, she still gives it up".
"The only difference is that I
don't date, not anymore. Dating is too complicated and comes with lots
of baggages. Family, friends, personal believes attitudes and much
I had a contrary opinion, but I don't dare interrupt this tale.
"Some girls give it up because of money, some due to genuine love, some due to pressures, some to get security and protection".
once dated a cult guy at school, not because I loved him or anything.
Cult guys were chasing me around and trying to intimidate me into dating
them. They even threatened To Molest me and make my life at campus
miserable. There was a well known cult guy on my faculty then. I told my
story to a friend who introduced me to the guy, and just like that, all
my problems were over".
She continued.
"I slept with a
lecturer that refused to release my result. He insisted that I didn't
write the exam and that my scripts were no where to be found. After much
persuasion, he agreed to release my scripts if I sleep with him. I
refused. But after re-sitting for the course the next year and scoring a
plain 21%, I caved in".
"So, you see, at one point or the other, we girls give it up".
-yea, but that doesn't explain why Emon is taking it personal with you, she's not the anti-intimacy police- I thought to myself.
I didn't want to be too forward. I wanted to let her go at her own pace.
-silence is golden-
And by keeping silent, I might get all the answers I need.
Or not.
"But she shouldn't have called you that", I chipped in, trying to redirect our conversation back to the subject matter.
"She made it sound like you trade se--x for money or something". I concluded.
smiled as she made a last draw from the cigarette she was holding, she
threw the stub on a metal container beside the drawer. I peeped in and
saw a huge deposit of cigarette stubs inside the metal container. I
wanted to advise her against excess smoking and the risk she stands as a
lady, but I dare not derail this tale.
"Honestly, I wouldn't be bordered if she goes all out and tag me a'e".
"Why so?", I asked.
"Have you heard of the term 'trade by barter'?", she asked.
-JS 1, Business studies, that same topic made us brand the teacher a nickname, "madam barter"-
I nodded, wondering what that has got to do with anything.
"You see, people traded using services and goods for exchange before the advent of money".
Now I see where this was headed to.
She continued.
"So when money was introduced, people traded with it and the barter system died down, but not completely".
girls still use the trade by barter system, instead of trading with
money, they trade using what they have to get what they need. The need
could be for love, affection, are, security, acceptability in the
society, or even husband".
"But some that adopted the new trading system that uses money as an exchange are tagged pro-sti-tutes".
-wow, what a shallow way of reasoning-
I still didn't completely agree with her, it must have showed on my face.
"You don't agree with me?", she asked.
"Not completely". I said.
"So what's your take?"
are more deep than you think. Everyone needs a soul mate to share his
or her life with, even God was aware of that, that's why he made a help
mate for Adam".
I continued.
"You may not have all your needs met in a relationship. But you have to sacrifice some of those needs for the ones you can get".
"How", she asked.
"Have you heard of opportunity cost?", I asked, trying to use her analogy of school topics to buttress my point.
"Yes, economics", she replied.
human needs are insatiable. So you table your needs in order of
importance and try to make priorities. if love is what you need, then go
for it, the one you settle down with may not be able to provide other
needs such as money or security, so money and security becomes your
foregone alternative".
"Nice analogy". She said.
"But I still don't like relationships, it complicates things".
"You must have had a bitter experience", I asked.
she said, "I went into a relationship with my best friend. We were so
close that we decided to go intimate and exclusive, it worked for some
time until things started falling apart".
"What happened to you and him?", I asked.
stopped, looked at me for some seconds, there was a look of regret or
disappointment on her face, I couldn't tell which one exactly. But that
look made me realize it pained her to loose whoever it was she lost".
"Its not a he my dear, its a she".
"A she?", I almost screamed, but I tried to remain calm.
She looked at me with the same sad look on her eyed
"Its not just a she", she said, "its
emon". . .

I didn't need to hear the rest of the story to
know what happened next. Students will have a field day distributing the
video at the campus, uploading it to the net, youtube, facebook,
I could justify Emon's spiteful comments. Now I understand why she
hates Margaret so much. Her parents and siblings must have heard about
I sat there staring at Margaret as she continued to look down on her legs.
could she be that careless? I thought leaving two used condoms on my
friend's bed was the definition of carelessness, but this beats it.
She looked up at me and said, "I still love her. That single act collapsed the relationship entirely".
How could she be worried about a relationship where she ruined a poor girl's life!
lost her boyfriend and she turned to a bitter person. I begged, I
pleaded, I apologized, I tried my best to explain but she never wanted
anything to do with me".
"Can you believe she has not spoken to me since after that incidence?"
I believe that, what I don't understand is why she didn't get a gun and
shoot your selfish, over-possessive Bottom- I thought to myself.
"That was the last relationship I had. After that, I couldn't bring myself together to date anymore", she concluded.
-wow- I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I just sat there and thought for some minutes, then asked.
"Do you really think you are a lesbian? Do you feel you can't enjoy a normal relationship with the opposite sex?".
don't really know anymore. I started being intimate with emon not
because I feel the urge to date girls, but because I truly loved her.
She was the first and only girl I've been intimate with. After her, I've
not experience any connection to any other girl".
"What of guys", I asked.
"I don't really like dating guys. They are over possessive".
- pot calling kettle black -
always want to own you, you report to them; where you are, what you're
doing, who you're with and why it took you long to pick their call".
-you've been dating the wrong guys- I said to myself.
their selfish display in bed pisses me off! They don't care about your
needs or desires, they just ram in and out and then collapse on top of
I had to voice it out.
"You've been dating the wrong guys", I said, "there are good guys out there".
smiled at me, shook her head and moved closer to me. I was anticipating
a kiss, so I drew closer, trying to position my mouth. Then she asked.
"What's up with you and emon?"
Me and emon? What the hell is she talking about?
"I saw you making out with her at the back seat of her brother's car".
my gooshhh!! She made that call to ibieme, it must be her! Who else
would plot such an evil act? This girl could be a psychopath!!! She said
she was still in love with emon, could it be that she's been stalking
Fear gripped me for a while. Was she stalking us both?
And she conveniently turned out to be living in the hotel I was lodged!
Something was wrong somewhere!
"Honestly. . .", she continued, "my dad doesn't own this guest house".
My heart was about to explode!
stood up from the bed as she said this. She stood staring at me, and I
could see hatred, anger and blood-thirst in those dark eyes of hers.
No one knew where I was. Not even my girl friend, nor
ibieme. If anything happens to me here at the room of Margaret. . .
"You really believed that horse-poo". Her cold voice interrupted my thoughts.
"You see,
Emon is my only love, and I would do anything to protect her from the hands of selfish men. . ."
She bent down on her side of the bed, pulled up the bed sheet as she reached for something under there. . .
My heart beat was racing fast!
I swallowed hard, I felt something was choking my air path.
What have I gotten myself into? This was a 2-star hotel with no security cameras, what was she reaching for?
What the hell will I do if she turns wild on me with a dangerous weapon?
brought out my phone which had fallen to her side of the bed and tried
handling to me. I couldn't see what it was initially, so I jerked
"Take it", she said.
"Take it and call Emon".
On seeing the phone, I felt a little bit relaxed. I breathe a sigh of relieve and tried to look calm.
I was startled. Call her for what? Why does she want Emon to meet her
here at her hotel room? What was she planning on doing?
I was
still alarmed somehow, watching closely to see if there are more things
she could pull out to facilitate the order. She didn't. Rather, her eyes
grew colder and sterner. She looked desperate so desperate that the
fear started to crawl back to me.
I had to play it cool. There's
no way she was going to take no for an answer. She must have made some
plane B, and may pull it out if I reject this order.
But what's the worst thing that could happen?
-you don't want to find out, trust me- says that little voice in my mind.
needed to leave the room first before making any decision. I was at
enemy territory and its not an ideal place to be making bargains.
Never underestimate a desperate woman!
"Call her!", her cold voice brought me back to reality.
"Calm down Margaret, that might not be the best idea".
I was trying my best to calm her down and possibly buy some time. So I continued.
"How did you know about me and emon".
I have imagined all the possible scenarios in my mind. I was just asking for the sake of it. I needed her to calm down.
"Call her and tell her to meet you here!". She said coldly.
"But she won't agree to come Margaret. She despises me same way she despises you".
struck her! The startled look on her face indicated she wasn't aware of
what transpired between me, flox, emon, ibi and the family. She must
have seen me making out with emon at her brothers car, but that's just
Finally, I had seen the perfect escape route. I didn't tell
emon the entire story when she asked me what I was doing at the hotel.
Now will be the perfect time!
"What do you mean by that", she said.
"You both were together making out at that car, and she invited you to calabar, you guys must be dating or something".
I saw the bigger picture! Margaret actually thought I was dating Emon
and that I came down to calabar to see her. She must have gotten that
perception when she chatted with me at the stadium and I told her I was
new at calabar.
I smiled lightly, looked at her and asked her to
sit. She did sit down and I told her the full story, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth.
-so help me God- I said to myself. I hope this sudden revelation will let me off the hook.
She looked a little bit disappointed. Then she managed to ask,
I didn't understand the question, so I kept silent.
"How did you manage to fu..ckk that wide mouthed girl with poor sense of dressing?".
I wanted to tell her that konji was no respecter of persons, but I kept quite.
"Do you love Emon?", she asked.
don't, I told you I had a girlfriend, when I need love, she's always
there for me. I just felt attracted to emon, just like you are attracted
to your cigarette".
-Addicted was the right word, but how do I
explain to her that I am a possible sex addict? How will she
understand that the thought of having s'e'x always engulfs my better
She looked confused and disappointed.
"I thought
you guys were dating. His previous boyfriend looks a lot like you, and
she has a thing for tall, light skinned guys with broad shoulders".
-she did lean on my shoulders at the cultural centre-
She continued.
I saw you both walk into the stadium yesterday for the band practice, I
was jealous. I can't explain it but I've never stopped loving emon. I
thought you were the new boyfriend. I kept monitoring you, and when you
left to watch those at the swimming pool and volleyball, I moved and sat
at your spot".
"Why", I asked.
"I don't know. I just
wanted emon to notice me. I wanted her to speak to me, to shout at me,
slap me, call me names, anything but the cold treatment of indifference
she was giving me could be better".
She continued.
see, when the video incidence happened newly, emon hated me and was
angry at me. I was ok with that. Hatred is a form of love, hatred is not
the opposite of love. Its just love that has been corrupted, just like a
computer program that was corrupted by a virus. What you need is just
an antivirus and everything as back to normal. But I started getting
bordered when that hatred turned to indifference, now that's the
opposite of love".
-you really are intelligent- I thought to myself.
"Have you heard of the basic law of thermodynamics?" She asked, she didn't wait for my response and continued.
"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another".
-energy is created and lost in nuclear reactors- I said to myself, but I didn't want to burst her bubbles.
the energy -love- she had was corrupted, and turned to hate, another
form of energy. I just needed to find some way to fix it, and convert it
back to its original form, but I couldn't"
-its all about you, isn't it? You had to make it happen, you had to spoil it, now you have to fix it; control freak!-
"I couldn't find an antivirus for emon", she said looking at me with a look of regret.
"But when I saw you with her, I felt you could be my antivirus".
-yea, right!-
"She came over to our spot at the stadium and didn't even notice me, she just told you it was time to go and walked out".
was devastated. But I didn't give up. I was waiting beside her brothers
car at the parking lot yesterday night. I wanted to talk to her after
the show. Then I saw you open that car, took some things, closed it and
sat beside it".
"I watched from afar when she came and you guys
started talking. I wanted to use the opportunity to make an appearance,
but then you guys went inside the car and started making out. I couldn't
stand it, I had to call ibieme anonymously".
"She left before
ibi could arrive, but I saw when ibi confronted you, and you walked down
the road. I thought you were going back to your hotel room where you
were lodged, so I followed you to this place".
came with the hope that emon will join you later, so I waited. When she
didn't show up, I payed for this room. I was lucky, the receptionist
said it was the only room left".
-i'd be damned!-
She finished her story and I sat motionless.
touched my heart and I felt for her. I felt she truly loved and cared
for emon, she was ready to atone for her mistakes. She just needed an
opportunity to make things right. I know how love pushes people to do
extreme things, just to protect their relationship.
I just wished
there was something I could do to remedy the situation. At least, I can
put a smile on someone's face rather than the pains I've been sharing
around town lately.
She smiled a little and said to me,
"you were lucky you didn't go back to their house last night. Do you know her dad is a retired police officer?"
"Really?", I asked.
"Yea, a DSP. Just a call and you would have been dead meat. You made the right choice leaving behind your bag".
My bag!
I could get my bag back! Why not? I can call emon to get it for me.
I remembered Margaret's words:
"Emon has a good heart, and can go extra mile to please someone".
can call her to get my bag, and maybe, try to fix things between this
two. Who knows, emon may still want things back the way they were. I
could try and unite them. A friend I met at an online forum once made a
funny comment;
That sin has been uniting Nigeria sins 1914.
I could unite these two in sin.
I could be their antivirus. . .
I had no plan on how to accomplish this. It could be a wide goose chase
for all I care, but I can give it a try. Worst case scenario, she will
refuse to come, but there is no harm in trying.
But I had to do this my own way.
"I can call emon for you", I said to her.
The looks on her face changed suddenly. Her eyes was suddenly filled with hope and anticipation.
"You can do that for us?", she asked in enthusiasm.
"Yes", I replied.
eyes was glowing. Its either she's deeply in love with emon, or a
stalking psychopath. I have to first find out from emon if she's willing
to see her, that is, if emon will agree to speak with me.
"But it has to be in my own terms". I told her.
I didn't want her to mess things up with her attitude.
"First, it must not be here. I don't want her to feel we ambushed her".
"Ok", she agreed.
"And", I continued, "you must allow me speak with her first. I have to prepare her mind before you make your appearance".
"Ok". She agreed again.
She must be desperate to see emon. So I had to try my luck, I wanted to get the best of this bargain from a desperate fellow.
"And. . .", I had to chip in, "I might need a little incentive".
"And what could that be", she asked.
"I will be more motivated when I get more of that your sweet ass.
She smiled, moved over to my side of the bed, placed her hand on my chest and said softly.
"You need a motivation, I need a collateral. Deliver emon to me, and you will get more than my ass"
sounded devilish! Like using emon as a pawn in a chess game. But the
thought of fuckin that ass again engrossed me. This time around
I will ensure I'm in charge. The thought of what I was going to do to
that ass made me pick my phone to call emon.
I dialed her number.
Ring, Ring
Ring, Ring
didn't pick the call. Margaret was already kneeling on the bed, full of
anticipation. She looked disappointed when emon didn't pick.
"She didn't pick?", Margaret asked.
"Nope. But don't worry, I will send a text and then call later. The content of my text will make her pick".
"Yea, just leave that to me".
I Sounded so confident, yet I didn't know what I was going to do next.
What will I do now?
What if this didn't work?
My phone rang. It was emon. Margaret was gazing at me, I nodded and told her it was emon.
"Hello emon", I said.
"Goodevening, I saw your missed call",
Her voice was plain and simple. I couldn't read into it. But I continued the conversation.
"Yes, I will be leaving calabar tomorrow morning, I want to see you before I go"
voice was still emotionless, plain and simple. Either she's trying so
hard to suppress her anger, or she's indifferent about it.
"To clear the air Emon, I need to clear the air". I quoted her text for her, hoping it would work.
"Send me a text, it will be enough to clear the air! Bye".
She was about to hang up on me.
emon". I didn't hear the phone click. The timer on my phone was still
reading. She didn't hang up, at least not yet. So I had to make it worth
it, I had to give in my best shot.
"Five minutes emon, just give
me five minutes of your time. I've not been myself since last night, I
can't talk to ibi or your parents, you are the only one I can talk to.
Just hear the nonsense I have to say, then you can turn your back on
Did it work? Did she buy it? I sounded so lame. Even
Margaret listening to me looked disappointed. It was all my mind could
conjure up in a space of those split seconds. There was few seconds of
silence at the other end as I was expecting the line to go dead any
"Your bag is still here, I thought you were calling for it".
Yes! Its having an effect, at least a little. Now she's giving me an opportunity to perfect my lines.
I ever have an opportunity to ask for a favor emon, it wouldn't be to
get my bag back, it would be to spend five minutes with you before going
back home".
Now that's more like it! Even Margaret was impressed. But I had to wait a little more to see if she bought it.
"I'm getting ready for the Akon show this night. Call me when you get to stadium". She hung up.
show? Is Akon coming to calabar? Live? Damn! My favorite musician is
rocking this city and I was planning on traveling back home. I've been
deeply engrossed with events of last night that I didn't keep up with
events around town. What else did I miss? Obudu power bike display! Wow!
I've been indoors since arriving this town, and I've spent almost all
of today indoors with Margaret.
"What did she say? Is she coming here? Talk to me!" He desperate pleas brought my thought back.
"No, she's not coming here. I have to meet her at the stadium".
"Stadium", she asked, "the stadium won't give us the environment to communicate. We need closure".
-Easy girl-
She was right. But I dare not push emon. She might call it off if she smells any ambush.
"Is Akon really coming to calabar this night?", I asked her.
"Yea, I heard nicky minaj was supposed to perform too".
Who cares about that bump you call minaj, Akon is the raw deal, and I dare not miss this show for anything.
"We are going for the show. We will sort things out there".
watching Akon perform and keeping my own part of the deal so as to tap
that a'r's'e. . .hard choice. I could still do both if I play my card
It was already 07:19 pm
We got ready and left the room for the show.
reception hall of the guest house was filled with people. Loud music
was playing and people danced at it. The attendants were busy
brandishing plates of assorted food and drinks to customers. Margaret
was waiting for the receptionist who was attending to some customers.
Later she came to us. Margaret spoke in her native language, and asked
me if I was retaining my room for the night. I told her I was, but I
needed to get some cash from the Atm first. She spoke again in her
native language and we headed out.
We picked a cab to the
stadium. Driving through the streets if calabar once again brought in
some piece into my mind. The environment was serene, neat and well kept.
I noticed that the inhabitants of calabar contribute greatly to the
neatness of the environment. There's hardly a roadside trading, most
shops in the city are well positioned meters away from the roads. I
searched everywhere for litters of sachet water, nylon bags and other
major dirts that adorn most Nigerian cities, but I couldn't find any.
The roads had sidewalks with good underground drainage. The vegetation
was lush as the city is a fine tune of nature and modern architecture.
We passed the Mary-slesor round about, and workers were still busy remodeling it at that time of the night.
"They've been working on that round about for over a week now, 24 hours non-stop", Margaret said.
"And dem no go finish am"
The driver added.
At first I didn't understand what the driver meant by that, but he continued.
yuntion dey spirishual, na why dem no go fi(t) finish am". [With the
'tees' in braces being silent. I noticed that the native calabar tongue
hardly pronounces the 't' letter, so its always silent in their
The driver insisted that the mary-slessor status that
was pulled down by the governor angered the gods, and that soon, the
gods will revenge.
"Na why the governor sick nau, and later come die".
Which of the governors was he talking about!
"Which governor die?", Margaret beat me to it in asking the question.
"Imoke now. You no no say him don die?"
"For where? Da(t) wan na lie", she insisted.
argued both in their native language, pidgin and plain english. I heard
he was sick, but this was my first time of hearing he was dead. I was
aware that people love hearing and spreading bad news, I just hoped it
was not true.
But how will it affect the price of garri? I smiled
to myself as I reflected on one of the silly comments people make in an
online forum I was a member of. Whenever topics they feel doesn't
directly affect them is raised, they try to down talk it by asking how
it affects the price if garri. It was annoying at first, but later
became humorous.
We got to the stadium amidst the crowd waiting
in lines to be searched and let in. Margaret was right, this was not an
ideal place to have a meaningful conversation. The speakers at the
stadium was loud enough to cause a distraction.
Opposite the stadium, was the shopping centre. It looked more reserved. I called emon:
"Where are you?", she asked.
"I'm heading to the shopping centre now, let's meet there".
went to the shopping centre with Margaret. We found I cool spot and sat
there. I told her she will have to wait at another spot. I will beckon
on her to come when she's needed. She hesitated for a while, but agreed.
My phone rang, it was Emon.
"I'm at the gate".
"Ok, I will be there in a minute".
went outside and met her. She was wearing a dinner gown with a scarlet
covering her chest and the bare top of her bossom. Its hard not to
notice how nice her curves where, the gown complemented her beauty. I
tried to behave. She was not the only one I was being careful about, I
knew Margaret was watching from somewhere, and if I try anything funny, I
might just loose my d''ikk. Its been long overdue!
She was
holding a bag by her side, my bag! I was glad she bought them. I bluffed
when I told her I prefer to spend minutes with her then asking for my
bag. I played cool and the bag didn't matter as I approached her.
I didn't know how exactly to great. I just smiled lightly.
"Thanks for coming emon, let's go inside".
"Why"? She asked? So you can kiss me like Judas and sell me to Margaret for 11 pieces of silver".
Oh my gooooosssshhh!!!
Click here for conclusion!!!