Finally, I've decided to share this burden with someone, I heard a problem shared is half solved.
Yea, I called it a burden, I've been living in denial for a long time, its high time I own up, I've a problem, I'm addicted to sex! Something happened last month December that made me realize how screwed I am. It opened my eyes to realize that I'm really an addict and that I might need help.
Right before now, I felt it was ok to do the normal guys stuff, hit on girls, flirt and feel like a super hero. But now, the more I Be Intimate, the more I'm convinced there's a higher power pushing me to self destruction.
Ok, one step at a time, I will high lite some events of the past that made me conclude I seriously need help
Last december, I went to calabar to witness the xmas carnival. I earlier planned to go with my girl friend, but her uncle died, so she had to travel home to stay with family. I hooked up with an old course mate of mine ibieme who is from the town. He works with the state ministry of tourism and still stays at their family house in calabar town.
I arrived at the etim eden park and ibieme came down to pick me, together with his younger sister, who he was to drop at the stadium for her practice. As we journeyed from the park to the stadium, I kept stealing glances at the beautiful sister my friend had. I was at the back seat, and could easily see her front bossoms(boobs) from the car's side mirror. She noticed I was staring at her, and it made her a little uneasy, I couldn't care less, I was more fixated at the bossoms bouncing up and down with the rhythm of the car. I made sure she observed I was staring at her, that's one of the rules of flirting, the flirtor must let the flirtee know she's been flirted upon
My friend's sis, was a member of the 'phantom' band, one of the bands participating in the calarba carnival. They were practicing at the stadium against
the 'd' day and she was a lead performer. Ibieme tried to gist me about the carnival and the many activities lined up b4 the 27th which was the d-day. He told me about the miss calabar beauty peagent coming up later that night, then the obudu power bike team displaying the next day, and many more, but I was caught up again as the sister raised a hand to arrange her hair. I could see the curves of her rich bosom thru her sleeveless top, I was already painting the pictures of her Unclad body when I noticed she was staring at me. I recovered briefly only to see her let out a smile, GAME ON! I whispered to myself. We got to the stadium and she asked me to join her. She said it will be more fun watching them practice than staying with her parents in the house. My friend ibieme supported the idea, saying he was also busy as the ministry of tourism, his workplace, is directly in charge of the carnival. He was to come later and pick us when the sister is thru.
I asked of her name when we walked towards the back of the stadium, "emon" she told me. "Its short for ini-emon". We had a light chat just to ease up the environment. She joined her band for practice and I was sited at a spot watching them. I walked toward the swiming pool which was filled up with people. Some girls were playing volleyball at the court, and I went to watch. It was obvious they were learners, the game was so boring I just walked away. I went back to my spot and a nice pretty girl was sitted right beside me. She asked whether i was part of the phantom band and I told her I was new in calabar. She was very lively and we chatted away. I noticed emon was staring at us every other minute as if the girl I was gusting with will soon turn to a lion and bite me. I collected her number when I noticed the practice was over and emon walking towards me. She said its time to go, and I purposely asked her to give me a minute. She walked towards the gate and I told my new friend I'd luv to hang out with her someday. She said I should give her a call, then I smiled and moved towards emon.
Emon just finished a call, she looked up to me and asked if I was thru with my girlfriend, I smiled and told her I was just socializing.
She told me her brother was caught up at work and we have to go home on our own. She said she wants to catch up with her friends at the cultural center, I jokingly asked if they were pretty and she sort of flared up a bit. I put on my charms and teased her about her being melancholic. She took on a defensive approach and I assured her I meant well. We had a long talk all the way from stadium, thru 11/11 road, down to cultural centre.
Her friends were not yet there, so we settled down in one of the inns at the cultural center. After some bottles of night train, we were more open, and she asked loads and lots of questions about me; my job, relationship, goals, career, faith etc. She mentioned that I was staring at her at the car, then I told her how captivating she was, how I was taken aback by her stunning beauty (it was mostly the chilled night train talking). She kept smiling while I was rubbing her palms which she kept carelessly on my laps. She leaned closely and rested her head on my shoulders, with my hands crossed over her shoulders, I started stroking the curves of her bosom under the shade provided by the canopies. I noticed the goose pimps spreading over her hand as she responded to every stroke. I managed to slip my hand inside the opening of her cloth, rubbed her bare bosom a little, then moved for the n-i.p.p.le.s which was already hard.
Suddenly, her phone rang and she sat straight like she just recovered from a spell, it was ibieme, her brother.....
Yea, I called it a burden, I've been living in denial for a long time, its high time I own up, I've a problem, I'm addicted to sex! Something happened last month December that made me realize how screwed I am. It opened my eyes to realize that I'm really an addict and that I might need help.
Right before now, I felt it was ok to do the normal guys stuff, hit on girls, flirt and feel like a super hero. But now, the more I Be Intimate, the more I'm convinced there's a higher power pushing me to self destruction.
Ok, one step at a time, I will high lite some events of the past that made me conclude I seriously need help
Last december, I went to calabar to witness the xmas carnival. I earlier planned to go with my girl friend, but her uncle died, so she had to travel home to stay with family. I hooked up with an old course mate of mine ibieme who is from the town. He works with the state ministry of tourism and still stays at their family house in calabar town.
I arrived at the etim eden park and ibieme came down to pick me, together with his younger sister, who he was to drop at the stadium for her practice. As we journeyed from the park to the stadium, I kept stealing glances at the beautiful sister my friend had. I was at the back seat, and could easily see her front bossoms(boobs) from the car's side mirror. She noticed I was staring at her, and it made her a little uneasy, I couldn't care less, I was more fixated at the bossoms bouncing up and down with the rhythm of the car. I made sure she observed I was staring at her, that's one of the rules of flirting, the flirtor must let the flirtee know she's been flirted upon
My friend's sis, was a member of the 'phantom' band, one of the bands participating in the calarba carnival. They were practicing at the stadium against
the 'd' day and she was a lead performer. Ibieme tried to gist me about the carnival and the many activities lined up b4 the 27th which was the d-day. He told me about the miss calabar beauty peagent coming up later that night, then the obudu power bike team displaying the next day, and many more, but I was caught up again as the sister raised a hand to arrange her hair. I could see the curves of her rich bosom thru her sleeveless top, I was already painting the pictures of her Unclad body when I noticed she was staring at me. I recovered briefly only to see her let out a smile, GAME ON! I whispered to myself. We got to the stadium and she asked me to join her. She said it will be more fun watching them practice than staying with her parents in the house. My friend ibieme supported the idea, saying he was also busy as the ministry of tourism, his workplace, is directly in charge of the carnival. He was to come later and pick us when the sister is thru.
I asked of her name when we walked towards the back of the stadium, "emon" she told me. "Its short for ini-emon". We had a light chat just to ease up the environment. She joined her band for practice and I was sited at a spot watching them. I walked toward the swiming pool which was filled up with people. Some girls were playing volleyball at the court, and I went to watch. It was obvious they were learners, the game was so boring I just walked away. I went back to my spot and a nice pretty girl was sitted right beside me. She asked whether i was part of the phantom band and I told her I was new in calabar. She was very lively and we chatted away. I noticed emon was staring at us every other minute as if the girl I was gusting with will soon turn to a lion and bite me. I collected her number when I noticed the practice was over and emon walking towards me. She said its time to go, and I purposely asked her to give me a minute. She walked towards the gate and I told my new friend I'd luv to hang out with her someday. She said I should give her a call, then I smiled and moved towards emon.
Emon just finished a call, she looked up to me and asked if I was thru with my girlfriend, I smiled and told her I was just socializing.
She told me her brother was caught up at work and we have to go home on our own. She said she wants to catch up with her friends at the cultural center, I jokingly asked if they were pretty and she sort of flared up a bit. I put on my charms and teased her about her being melancholic. She took on a defensive approach and I assured her I meant well. We had a long talk all the way from stadium, thru 11/11 road, down to cultural centre.
Her friends were not yet there, so we settled down in one of the inns at the cultural center. After some bottles of night train, we were more open, and she asked loads and lots of questions about me; my job, relationship, goals, career, faith etc. She mentioned that I was staring at her at the car, then I told her how captivating she was, how I was taken aback by her stunning beauty (it was mostly the chilled night train talking). She kept smiling while I was rubbing her palms which she kept carelessly on my laps. She leaned closely and rested her head on my shoulders, with my hands crossed over her shoulders, I started stroking the curves of her bosom under the shade provided by the canopies. I noticed the goose pimps spreading over her hand as she responded to every stroke. I managed to slip my hand inside the opening of her cloth, rubbed her bare bosom a little, then moved for the n-i.p.p.le.s which was already hard.
Suddenly, her phone rang and she sat straight like she just recovered from a spell, it was ibieme, her brother.....
She spoke on the phone for a few seconds before hanging up and informed
me the brother was at the entrance of the cultural centre. We had to go
out and meet him. We barely talked as we moved towards the car, I was
tensed somehow, feeling guilty and unease. It was as if ibieme was going
to see it written all over me that I was flirting with her sister, but
he hardly looked my way as we entered the car. He told us how busy his
schedule has been and that he had to squeeze out time to pick us. It was
already dark when we got to their place at essien drive, unical
satelite town, off ibb way. The parents were receptive, I saw his
siblings including two other sisters. I felt at home, served with a hot
plate of ikpankwukwo (meshed cocoyam) with bush meat source.
After taking my bath, I talked with my friend for sometime after which he informed me he is headed for the venue of the ms calabar peagent.
He informed me that his sister flox will bring me to the venue.
"What of emon?" I asked, and he said that emon will be helping him at the venue of the show. Flox? That girl talks too much, she's been chatting ever since I entered the house, she's loud and looks unkempt. Her choice of make up was absurd and had weird looks. Something about her didn't just add up, although she was quite a company!
Idi and emon drove off to the venue, while I was left with flox to babysit me
her parents had some visitors at the sitting room, so we sat at the frontage, gisting.
"How about ur girlfriend"
she asked with a sarcastic grin. Anytime a girl asks vaguely about a girlfriend u never told her about, its just a simple way of asking if u have a girlfriend.
"She's fine", I replied, hoping she will let it slide.
"How come u didn't come along with her?" Damn! This girl has mouth problem. "She had to go home for xmas" I replied.
"And u came to calabar alone",
"duh", I replied in my mind while I put up a smile, looking straight in her eyes. She blushed and asked why I was looking at her that way.
"B'cos u're very pretty". More blushes and she returned the smile. "I'm going to dress so we can go for the show" she said as she walked into her room. I went into my own room, laid on the bed and thought about my brief escapade with emon. What would have happened if she didn't get that call? Will we ever get a chance to finish what we started? Was she really feeling me or was it just the night train? She was really a sweet girl, these thoughts made me feel Hot and I felt the bulge in between my legs..
A knock on the door interrupted my thought. Flox peeped in and told me she was ready. I couldn't stand b'cos the bulge would certainly be visible so I asked her to come in, hoping a light discussion will lighten my mood and make me cool off. How wrong was I.
She wore a hot mini skirt, tight singlet, small jacket top that left her navel exposed, big boots, large round ear rings, and large necklace of beads. She was lo looking steamy-hot, apart from her make up which was heavy and made her look like a doll. Her femininity filled the room. She was aware of the effect she had on me and she flaunted it more to taunt me, sat beside me on the bed and said she was ready to go with a smile on her face. damn it! The budge in between my legs was trying to pull my pants aside. So many thoughts rushed through my mind, I tried to be calm, I've done this before, I told myself, just be cool. " You look...wonderful...just hold on a minute" I said as I touched her cheeks, tried to wipe out some excess make up on her cheeks, "there u go...better" I said. I moved my hands down, a dummy move to clean an invisible make up at the neck, there was none, but I kept cleaning, then the chest, there were strands of hair their, "I like hairs on girls chest" I lied, "really?"
-No, u fool, can't u see I can say anything to get a piece of u this night...-
I said on my mind..."Yes" I teased. "Do you know what else I like?" I asked as I gently slide down one hand of her response...ur nice succulent... I couldn't finish as my tongue was already teasing her n.I.p.l.e.s. I bit her gently on the nipple, she let out a soft moan. I moved for the second, squeezed lightly, her hand placed on mi head was pushing me lightly downwards. I obliged, moved the clothe a little upwards, tongue-teased her tommy, navel, unbuckled my belt, reached out for my wallet. Removed two cheap gold circles and kept it on the bed, with my mouth buried on her bre-a-s-t, I caressed her spread thighs, moved my hands deeper, and pulled out the pants.
I grabbed the gold circle, tore it open, and in one precise attempt, wore it on, then moved my hands further beneath the thighs to feel the wetness of her...slowly but firmly, I moved in (ok, I don't want to look bad, so let's skip some parts)
Oh my God! Not again! Her mom had called from the front of my door! So many thoughts rushed through my mind, her pants on the bed, a used condom on the floor, the door was not bolted, I was almost Unclad! There was no explanation to justify this. I'm done for, I knew it that this silly sexcapades will land me in trouble one day. This is that day! They are certainly going to throw me out, and hotels at calabar this time of the year is fcking expensive!
Holy shit!
Why did she answer? Couldn't she just keep quite and let them assume we had gone out! I knew it that her mouth problems was going to put her in problem, I never envisaged myself to be a partaker of that problem.
"Flox, ...." The mum spoke their native dielect and left.
"What was that?" I asked, panting like I just competed with mo for the 3000m olympic marathon.
"She said they were going for an end of year banquet organized for workers in their firm". She said.
"Were u scared?" She asked. "Olodo, why wouldn't I be?..." I wanted to reply, but I managed to say "a little bit" she smiled. "Aren't u bordered what might happen if ur mother saw us like this?". I asked. She looked up to me and said,
"She's not my mother...She's not ur mum?
"Yea, she's my aunt. I lost my mum when I was a kid, I grew up with my aunt".
But your mum didn't stumble upon herself and got pregnant, I thought to myself but I knew better than ask.
This explains the difference in looks and attitude.
"I don't feel belonged here"
she said.
"Here comes the baggage..."
I thought to myself.
"Why" I asked. "I didn't notice before you told me. Infact, there's no telling you're not part of the family",
I lied to her again.
She told me how she had a difficult time fitting into the family because she was being treated differently, how she was giving a strict upbringing while emon was allowed to freely socialize, how the aunt ensured she secured admission for emon at unical, against all odds and with a very low jamb score while she was left to her faith, and she resorted to akwa-ibom state polytechnic.
"Well, you are a grown lady now and your destiny doesn't lie in your aunt's hand but in yours"
I said, trying to shut her from whining, but succeeded in creating a smile in that lips that wore a heavy dark-red lipstick.
"That's so sweet", she said, "you're really nice"
"And you're just naïve",
I thought to myself.
I smiled back and we continued from where we left minutes earlier. This time around, she was more warm, open and receptive. She never resisted any position I suggested, she moved a pitch higher from moaning to screaming. It was a bit embarrassing but I was more engrossed with the sight of her a.r.s.e as it bounces forth like a boomerang as I was kneeling on the bed and hammering from behind. I thank my stars I was not doing the missionary, b'cos seeing that face with a heavy makeup would have been a sure turn off for me, but that a-r-se was doing the magic. The screams were so loud that if I was a novice, I would have stopped and asked if I was hurting her. But I didn't, I kept going deeper and deeper as the screams became more intense. . .
Finally, we both were exhausted and I layed on the bed, thinking of no one else but emon. Is she expecting to see me at the peagent? Is she as expectant as I was? Is she really into me?
Thinking of another woman while another was lying beside me could seem strange to others, but to a twisted mind like mine , this was just normal. Emon looked and acted reserved and classy. Flox, to me, was just too free spirited, I felt I didn't score much with flox, I told myself that I needed to complete the show with emon before I could grade my papers for the carnival.
How wrong was I!
If I could turn back the hands of time, if I had a second chance to attain the calabar 2012 xmas carnival, I would have extinguished the emon dream, this would have saved me from the catastrophe that ruined a nice carnival. I would have maintained my friendship with idi and still hold my head above my shoulders if I didn't listen to that silly st-u-p---i-d voice inside of me, telling me that scoring emon will mean much to me.
Just within hours at calabar and I've scored one, and maybe, just maybe, could make it two if I can make it to the peagent, I thought to myself.
I got up from the bed, started to dress up as I imagined what the time would be.
"Where are you going", flox asked.
"Stadium, for the peagent" I answered as I searched for my phone.
"What for", she asked.
-To watch Enyimba vs kano pillars-
"For the ms calabar show of course, aren't you going?"
"Isn't it better we spend more time together?" She asked, "at least its better than watching Unclothed girls parade their shame-less bodies for a crowd of the highest bidder", she added.
-wow, you really had issues while growing up-
She blabbed on about how those 'w.h.o.r.e.s' sleep around with the organizers of the event just to get the form, then sleep with more people to get shortlisted, then sleep on and on to get a 1st, 2nd or 3rd spot.
"That show is nothing but a scripted p-o-r-n" she concluded.
"Wow" I thought to myself, "why on earth do girls hate their fellow girls? Ok, hate might be a strong word, dislike is more like it.
Anyway, I didn't have any intention of watching those Unclad girls, I had something else in mind.
"Come back to the bed and let's make more love" she pleaded.
I glanced at her for some seconds, she smiled. I can't tell if its the ƃgoresc@6XpݸS B hN7̚! but her face looks plane weird.
"Come to bed"
I gentle shook my head, stood up and kept searching for my phone. I've spent 45mins and two rounds of s-e-x with her and she still wants me more. Is she s-e-x starved or just a nymph!
I've heard tales of calabar girls before, I still don't believe any of those tales could be true. I have screwed so many ladies (something I aint proud of) and I have come to the conclusion that all *** are same.
I found the phone, and discovered I had 9 missed calls and 2 messages, my phone had been on silence.
Most of the missed calls was from my girl friend, one from idi, then a message from him informing me that he made a ticket reservation for me at the centre, that I should contact him when I got there.
The second text was from an unknown number, with a simple message which reads. . .
"What you just did now was wrong, I'm disappointed".
Holy shiiiiiittt!!!!
What I just did now? Is this a joke or what!
"Did you text me now?" I asked flox.
"No" she replied as she got alarmed with the look on my face.
"What's the problem", she asked.
I didn't border answering, I collected her phone, checked her sent items, no such text, dialed my number to check if its same with the one that text me... Ring ring, not same.
Did anyone enter the house while we were busy on the bed? Who is playing such an expensive game?
There was only one way to find out. . . I dialed the number that sent the text.
Ring, ring. . .
Ring, ring. . .
It was a lady's voice in a noisy background.
"Hello" I said back, trying to buy more time so I can decode this voice.
My brain was doing a quick scan-and-match, I just needed her to say one more word so I can fix the voice to a face.
"Don't tell me your new girl friend is boring you already. . ."
"Eeeeemmmmooooonnnn". . .
Screaming emon's name and ending the call was all a reflex reaction. It startled flox as she stood on the bed and stared at me.
"What's wrong?", she asked. "What happened to emon, is she ok? What was the text all about. . ."
She kept on and on.
I just sat on the bed and wondered how on earth she could find out what I just did. I looked up on all corners of the room to check if there are hidden security cameras.
Could this be real? Did emon text me to inform me she knew what I just did?
I couldn't remember giving her my number, its only ibieme that has my number.
If emon collected my number from his brother, then there's a high posibility that she must have told him what I did.
And how could she sound so cool after knowing what I just did with flox?
Disappointed? Is that all she feels? I might be addicted to sex, but I still have a soft spot and a conscience to go with it. I don't have the right to hurt her that way, if she truly was hurt.
But a lot of things don't add up. And I decided to head down to the stadium and find some answers.
"Dress up, I don't want your aunt to see us like this"
"But you didn't answer any of my questions, what happened to emon?"
"Nothing, I'm heading to the stadium. Get dressed and let's go".
"I'm not going" she replied.
"Then I need directions to the stadium" I said, rather angrily.
"trek to the junction, take a bus to mary-slesor round about, then another bus going to 11/11, stop at millennium park and trek to the stadium"
-wow, that's another way of telling me to get lost, because I will literary get lost-
"I don't know all these. . ."
"Then take a drop to stadium" she retorted.
Alright, I can't put up with this her current attitude. I wanted to sweet talk her into coming, but I needed a cover up story on my recent reaction.
"Ok flox, listen, I just got an sms from an unknown number and. . ."
How do I explain to her? I needed a lie, but I couldn't think of any. She was listening and staring at me as I searched for lies in the data base stored in my brain, none came up.
On a normal situation I would manufacture series of lies that would explain the recent event, but this isn't a normal situation.
What if this was a set-up?
What if flox was part of the set-up?
"Enhen, what did she say in the text message"
"She said we need to come to the stadium immediately" I replied rather nonchalantly, looking at her to see if it sticks.
-it didn't work-
"Why? To do what? Is that why you screamed?"
-You are a big a.r.s.e hole, who wears her make up like a ghost in naija movies-
Thank God I didn't say that out aloud, but I was tempted to.
I decided to take my chances out there on the streets. After all, calabar is touted as the safest city in Nigeria. I picked up my wrist watch, wore a lighter slippers and started leaving the room. I noticed flox was dressing up so I stopped and asked if she was coming along. Maybe she changed her mind.
"*** * *** * " she replied in her native language. I didn't need an interpretation, the tone of her voice and the anger therein explains what she meant.
I left the house, and headed for the stadium.
I trekked to a major road and stopped one of the blue and white cabs.
"Drop?" The driver asked.
I entered and he drove off.
It was already 9:25pm, the street lights produced a golden light that made the street look more beautiful. The trees and flowers by the sidewalks produced nice shade, the site was just beautiful. We drove past the millennium park and all its light was glittering across the well manicured flowers. The big green-white-green flag at the centre of the park stood majestically, it was the biggest I've ever seen.
The serene environment I was driving through helped to calm me a bit while I plan on what I was going to do next. First, I must speak with emon and find out how she knew what I did.
The cab pulled up at the entrance of the stadium. There were few people there. I payed the cab driver and walked towards the entrance.
The civil defense guy on Navy blue over-all asked me with a smile.
"Do I need tickets to enter?"
"Yes, this gate is an entrance to the vip sits. You can enter if you have your tickets, but if not, you can use the other gate over there, its free". He pointed at the adjacent entrance where a mammoth crowd queued up to be searched before entrance. It was a discouraging site.
"How much is the ticket, I need one"
I said as I reached out for my wallet.
"we don't sell tickets here, you purchase it at the back of the stadium, then you enter through this place".
He said as we waved me aside to make way for a couple entering. They presented their ticket and the man ushered them in. No searching, no whisking, no questioning.
How do I trek back to the back of the stadium, purchase a ticket and trek bak here to enter. That's the only option I had, queuing up with the crowd I was seeing at the adjacent gate was not an option.
Ibieme had sent me a text informing me he reserved a ticket for me.
I just need to call him and get my ticket. I dialed and waited. . . As some scenarios played out on my mind. . .
-so u had the guts to call my number after what you did-
Will he say more harsh things to me? I will soon find out. . .
He picked the call. . .
"Where have you been, I have been trying to reach you, where are you?"
Now that's better, I breathe a sigh of relief.
"I slept off". Now that's more like it. I'm gradually regaining my lying skills
"Where are you now"
"I'm at the front of the gate"
"Which of the gates"
"The main entrance" I replied.
"There are many entrances to the stadium, ask someone of gate 06, I will be waiting. Please be fast, I am so busy now".
I hanged up, went back to the civil defense guy and asked of gate number 06. He directed me and I walked towards the gate.
On getting there, ibieme was waiting for me already, beside him was three security guys, two mobile police (mopol) and one civil defense. The civil defense guy was heavily built and could pass for a bouncer in a night club.
Holy s.h.h.i.t.t!
I stood still as I saw the security guys with ibieme. I was shocked and panicking as he motioned them towards me. . .
After taking my bath, I talked with my friend for sometime after which he informed me he is headed for the venue of the ms calabar peagent.
He informed me that his sister flox will bring me to the venue.
"What of emon?" I asked, and he said that emon will be helping him at the venue of the show. Flox? That girl talks too much, she's been chatting ever since I entered the house, she's loud and looks unkempt. Her choice of make up was absurd and had weird looks. Something about her didn't just add up, although she was quite a company!
Idi and emon drove off to the venue, while I was left with flox to babysit me
"How about ur girlfriend"
she asked with a sarcastic grin. Anytime a girl asks vaguely about a girlfriend u never told her about, its just a simple way of asking if u have a girlfriend.
"She's fine", I replied, hoping she will let it slide.
"How come u didn't come along with her?" Damn! This girl has mouth problem. "She had to go home for xmas" I replied.
"And u came to calabar alone",
"duh", I replied in my mind while I put up a smile, looking straight in her eyes. She blushed and asked why I was looking at her that way.
"B'cos u're very pretty". More blushes and she returned the smile. "I'm going to dress so we can go for the show" she said as she walked into her room. I went into my own room, laid on the bed and thought about my brief escapade with emon. What would have happened if she didn't get that call? Will we ever get a chance to finish what we started? Was she really feeling me or was it just the night train? She was really a sweet girl, these thoughts made me feel Hot and I felt the bulge in between my legs..
A knock on the door interrupted my thought. Flox peeped in and told me she was ready. I couldn't stand b'cos the bulge would certainly be visible so I asked her to come in, hoping a light discussion will lighten my mood and make me cool off. How wrong was I.
She wore a hot mini skirt, tight singlet, small jacket top that left her navel exposed, big boots, large round ear rings, and large necklace of beads. She was lo looking steamy-hot, apart from her make up which was heavy and made her look like a doll. Her femininity filled the room. She was aware of the effect she had on me and she flaunted it more to taunt me, sat beside me on the bed and said she was ready to go with a smile on her face. damn it! The budge in between my legs was trying to pull my pants aside. So many thoughts rushed through my mind, I tried to be calm, I've done this before, I told myself, just be cool. " You look...wonderful...just hold on a minute" I said as I touched her cheeks, tried to wipe out some excess make up on her cheeks, "there u go...better" I said. I moved my hands down, a dummy move to clean an invisible make up at the neck, there was none, but I kept cleaning, then the chest, there were strands of hair their, "I like hairs on girls chest" I lied, "really?"
-No, u fool, can't u see I can say anything to get a piece of u this night...-
I said on my mind..."Yes" I teased. "Do you know what else I like?" I asked as I gently slide down one hand of her response...ur nice succulent... I couldn't finish as my tongue was already teasing her n.I.p.l.e.s. I bit her gently on the nipple, she let out a soft moan. I moved for the second, squeezed lightly, her hand placed on mi head was pushing me lightly downwards. I obliged, moved the clothe a little upwards, tongue-teased her tommy, navel, unbuckled my belt, reached out for my wallet. Removed two cheap gold circles and kept it on the bed, with my mouth buried on her bre-a-s-t, I caressed her spread thighs, moved my hands deeper, and pulled out the pants.
I grabbed the gold circle, tore it open, and in one precise attempt, wore it on, then moved my hands further beneath the thighs to feel the wetness of her...slowly but firmly, I moved in (ok, I don't want to look bad, so let's skip some parts)
Oh my God! Not again! Her mom had called from the front of my door! So many thoughts rushed through my mind, her pants on the bed, a used condom on the floor, the door was not bolted, I was almost Unclad! There was no explanation to justify this. I'm done for, I knew it that this silly sexcapades will land me in trouble one day. This is that day! They are certainly going to throw me out, and hotels at calabar this time of the year is fcking expensive!
Holy shit!
Why did she answer? Couldn't she just keep quite and let them assume we had gone out! I knew it that her mouth problems was going to put her in problem, I never envisaged myself to be a partaker of that problem.
"Flox, ...." The mum spoke their native dielect and left.
"What was that?" I asked, panting like I just competed with mo for the 3000m olympic marathon.
"She said they were going for an end of year banquet organized for workers in their firm". She said.
"Were u scared?" She asked. "Olodo, why wouldn't I be?..." I wanted to reply, but I managed to say "a little bit" she smiled. "Aren't u bordered what might happen if ur mother saw us like this?". I asked. She looked up to me and said,
"She's not my mother...She's not ur mum?
"Yea, she's my aunt. I lost my mum when I was a kid, I grew up with my aunt".
But your mum didn't stumble upon herself and got pregnant, I thought to myself but I knew better than ask.
This explains the difference in looks and attitude.
"I don't feel belonged here"
she said.
"Here comes the baggage..."
I thought to myself.
"Why" I asked. "I didn't notice before you told me. Infact, there's no telling you're not part of the family",
I lied to her again.
She told me how she had a difficult time fitting into the family because she was being treated differently, how she was giving a strict upbringing while emon was allowed to freely socialize, how the aunt ensured she secured admission for emon at unical, against all odds and with a very low jamb score while she was left to her faith, and she resorted to akwa-ibom state polytechnic.
"Well, you are a grown lady now and your destiny doesn't lie in your aunt's hand but in yours"
I said, trying to shut her from whining, but succeeded in creating a smile in that lips that wore a heavy dark-red lipstick.
"That's so sweet", she said, "you're really nice"
"And you're just naïve",
I thought to myself.
I smiled back and we continued from where we left minutes earlier. This time around, she was more warm, open and receptive. She never resisted any position I suggested, she moved a pitch higher from moaning to screaming. It was a bit embarrassing but I was more engrossed with the sight of her a.r.s.e as it bounces forth like a boomerang as I was kneeling on the bed and hammering from behind. I thank my stars I was not doing the missionary, b'cos seeing that face with a heavy makeup would have been a sure turn off for me, but that a-r-se was doing the magic. The screams were so loud that if I was a novice, I would have stopped and asked if I was hurting her. But I didn't, I kept going deeper and deeper as the screams became more intense. . .
Finally, we both were exhausted and I layed on the bed, thinking of no one else but emon. Is she expecting to see me at the peagent? Is she as expectant as I was? Is she really into me?
Thinking of another woman while another was lying beside me could seem strange to others, but to a twisted mind like mine , this was just normal. Emon looked and acted reserved and classy. Flox, to me, was just too free spirited, I felt I didn't score much with flox, I told myself that I needed to complete the show with emon before I could grade my papers for the carnival.
How wrong was I!
If I could turn back the hands of time, if I had a second chance to attain the calabar 2012 xmas carnival, I would have extinguished the emon dream, this would have saved me from the catastrophe that ruined a nice carnival. I would have maintained my friendship with idi and still hold my head above my shoulders if I didn't listen to that silly st-u-p---i-d voice inside of me, telling me that scoring emon will mean much to me.
Just within hours at calabar and I've scored one, and maybe, just maybe, could make it two if I can make it to the peagent, I thought to myself.
I got up from the bed, started to dress up as I imagined what the time would be.
"Where are you going", flox asked.
"Stadium, for the peagent" I answered as I searched for my phone.
"What for", she asked.
-To watch Enyimba vs kano pillars-
"For the ms calabar show of course, aren't you going?"
"Isn't it better we spend more time together?" She asked, "at least its better than watching Unclothed girls parade their shame-less bodies for a crowd of the highest bidder", she added.
-wow, you really had issues while growing up-
She blabbed on about how those 'w.h.o.r.e.s' sleep around with the organizers of the event just to get the form, then sleep with more people to get shortlisted, then sleep on and on to get a 1st, 2nd or 3rd spot.
"That show is nothing but a scripted p-o-r-n" she concluded.
"Wow" I thought to myself, "why on earth do girls hate their fellow girls? Ok, hate might be a strong word, dislike is more like it.
Anyway, I didn't have any intention of watching those Unclad girls, I had something else in mind.
"Come back to the bed and let's make more love" she pleaded.
I glanced at her for some seconds, she smiled. I can't tell if its the ƃgoresc@6XpݸS B hN7̚! but her face looks plane weird.
"Come to bed"
I gentle shook my head, stood up and kept searching for my phone. I've spent 45mins and two rounds of s-e-x with her and she still wants me more. Is she s-e-x starved or just a nymph!
I've heard tales of calabar girls before, I still don't believe any of those tales could be true. I have screwed so many ladies (something I aint proud of) and I have come to the conclusion that all *** are same.
I found the phone, and discovered I had 9 missed calls and 2 messages, my phone had been on silence.
Most of the missed calls was from my girl friend, one from idi, then a message from him informing me that he made a ticket reservation for me at the centre, that I should contact him when I got there.
The second text was from an unknown number, with a simple message which reads. . .
"What you just did now was wrong, I'm disappointed".
Holy shiiiiiittt!!!!
What I just did now? Is this a joke or what!
"Did you text me now?" I asked flox.
"No" she replied as she got alarmed with the look on my face.
"What's the problem", she asked.
I didn't border answering, I collected her phone, checked her sent items, no such text, dialed my number to check if its same with the one that text me... Ring ring, not same.
Did anyone enter the house while we were busy on the bed? Who is playing such an expensive game?
There was only one way to find out. . . I dialed the number that sent the text.
Ring, ring. . .
Ring, ring. . .
It was a lady's voice in a noisy background.
"Hello" I said back, trying to buy more time so I can decode this voice.
My brain was doing a quick scan-and-match, I just needed her to say one more word so I can fix the voice to a face.
"Don't tell me your new girl friend is boring you already. . ."
"Eeeeemmmmooooonnnn". . .
Screaming emon's name and ending the call was all a reflex reaction. It startled flox as she stood on the bed and stared at me.
"What's wrong?", she asked. "What happened to emon, is she ok? What was the text all about. . ."
She kept on and on.
I just sat on the bed and wondered how on earth she could find out what I just did. I looked up on all corners of the room to check if there are hidden security cameras.
Could this be real? Did emon text me to inform me she knew what I just did?
I couldn't remember giving her my number, its only ibieme that has my number.
If emon collected my number from his brother, then there's a high posibility that she must have told him what I did.
And how could she sound so cool after knowing what I just did with flox?
Disappointed? Is that all she feels? I might be addicted to sex, but I still have a soft spot and a conscience to go with it. I don't have the right to hurt her that way, if she truly was hurt.
But a lot of things don't add up. And I decided to head down to the stadium and find some answers.
"Dress up, I don't want your aunt to see us like this"
"But you didn't answer any of my questions, what happened to emon?"
"Nothing, I'm heading to the stadium. Get dressed and let's go".
"I'm not going" she replied.
"Then I need directions to the stadium" I said, rather angrily.
"trek to the junction, take a bus to mary-slesor round about, then another bus going to 11/11, stop at millennium park and trek to the stadium"
-wow, that's another way of telling me to get lost, because I will literary get lost-
"I don't know all these. . ."
"Then take a drop to stadium" she retorted.
Alright, I can't put up with this her current attitude. I wanted to sweet talk her into coming, but I needed a cover up story on my recent reaction.
"Ok flox, listen, I just got an sms from an unknown number and. . ."
How do I explain to her? I needed a lie, but I couldn't think of any. She was listening and staring at me as I searched for lies in the data base stored in my brain, none came up.
On a normal situation I would manufacture series of lies that would explain the recent event, but this isn't a normal situation.
What if this was a set-up?
What if flox was part of the set-up?
"Enhen, what did she say in the text message"
"She said we need to come to the stadium immediately" I replied rather nonchalantly, looking at her to see if it sticks.
-it didn't work-
"Why? To do what? Is that why you screamed?"
-You are a big a.r.s.e hole, who wears her make up like a ghost in naija movies-
Thank God I didn't say that out aloud, but I was tempted to.
I decided to take my chances out there on the streets. After all, calabar is touted as the safest city in Nigeria. I picked up my wrist watch, wore a lighter slippers and started leaving the room. I noticed flox was dressing up so I stopped and asked if she was coming along. Maybe she changed her mind.
"*** * *** * " she replied in her native language. I didn't need an interpretation, the tone of her voice and the anger therein explains what she meant.
I left the house, and headed for the stadium.
I trekked to a major road and stopped one of the blue and white cabs.
"Drop?" The driver asked.
I entered and he drove off.
It was already 9:25pm, the street lights produced a golden light that made the street look more beautiful. The trees and flowers by the sidewalks produced nice shade, the site was just beautiful. We drove past the millennium park and all its light was glittering across the well manicured flowers. The big green-white-green flag at the centre of the park stood majestically, it was the biggest I've ever seen.
The serene environment I was driving through helped to calm me a bit while I plan on what I was going to do next. First, I must speak with emon and find out how she knew what I did.
The cab pulled up at the entrance of the stadium. There were few people there. I payed the cab driver and walked towards the entrance.
The civil defense guy on Navy blue over-all asked me with a smile.
"Do I need tickets to enter?"
"Yes, this gate is an entrance to the vip sits. You can enter if you have your tickets, but if not, you can use the other gate over there, its free". He pointed at the adjacent entrance where a mammoth crowd queued up to be searched before entrance. It was a discouraging site.
"How much is the ticket, I need one"
I said as I reached out for my wallet.
"we don't sell tickets here, you purchase it at the back of the stadium, then you enter through this place".
He said as we waved me aside to make way for a couple entering. They presented their ticket and the man ushered them in. No searching, no whisking, no questioning.
How do I trek back to the back of the stadium, purchase a ticket and trek bak here to enter. That's the only option I had, queuing up with the crowd I was seeing at the adjacent gate was not an option.
Ibieme had sent me a text informing me he reserved a ticket for me.
I just need to call him and get my ticket. I dialed and waited. . . As some scenarios played out on my mind. . .
-so u had the guts to call my number after what you did-
Will he say more harsh things to me? I will soon find out. . .
He picked the call. . .
"Where have you been, I have been trying to reach you, where are you?"
Now that's better, I breathe a sigh of relief.
"I slept off". Now that's more like it. I'm gradually regaining my lying skills
"Where are you now"
"I'm at the front of the gate"
"Which of the gates"
"The main entrance" I replied.
"There are many entrances to the stadium, ask someone of gate 06, I will be waiting. Please be fast, I am so busy now".
I hanged up, went back to the civil defense guy and asked of gate number 06. He directed me and I walked towards the gate.
On getting there, ibieme was waiting for me already, beside him was three security guys, two mobile police (mopol) and one civil defense. The civil defense guy was heavily built and could pass for a bouncer in a night club.
Holy s.h.h.i.t.t!
I stood still as I saw the security guys with ibieme. I was shocked and panicking as he motioned them towards me. . .
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