I have to run!
I need to run!
Should I run?
I can run!
I have to run away before these security guys Mal-handle me. I'm a good sprinter, I do 100 meters as fast as asafa powell.
But my legs won't move. Something held them pined to the ground. I tried moving them, but they were just too heavy.
I stood there, gazing with my mouth open as ibieme and the security guys approach me. Ibieme was moving faster than the security guys, the well built muscular civil defense guy was following swiftly.
Did he have to bring all three of them? Just the civil defense guy was enough to beat me blue-black.
Now its obvious I'm done for. If not for my silly quest to score emon, I wouldn't be on this shiiit right now.
Finally, they approached me, I opened my mouth to speak, but words didn't come out, I started stuttering.
"Ibieme, I don't know what came over me, I just lost it"
"You just lost it and slept off? I told you I had a busy schedule, I thought you'd be here hours ago"
He didn't come to arrest me!
I would have opened my mouth and confessed to something he wasn't aware of in the first place.
wow! That was close!
But why all the security men?
"I'm very busy now", he continued, "these are security men detailed to my boss, and he is yet to come. I left two tickets for you and flox inside my car" he said and handed me his car keys.
"The car is at parking lot 2, at the stadium general car park, just ask questions you will find it".
"Where is flox" he asked.

"She said she isn't coming"
He looked surprised, "that's strange, she's been talking about this show for weeks now"
-yea, I know, she has such a big mouth problem-
I thought to myself.
"Anyway, keep my key, we'll go together after the show", he said as he walked away.
I wanted to ask about emon, but I didn't want to raise any suspicions. His reaction when I told him flox wasn't coming was enough to discourage me from asking.
He walked away with his crew of angry looking security men.
Phew! That was close.
I moved towards the parking lot. If ibieme wasn't aware of my adventure with flox, then it means emon hasn't told him yet. I have to find emon before she finds ibiemi, the fear of those security men is truly the beginning of wisdom.
It still beats me how emon got to know. I have to discuss with her, I don't need anyone springing up surprises at me.
I brought out my phone, scrolled to my inbox and read the message once more;
"What you just did now was wrong, I'm disappointed".
How did she even get my number? Something is not right. I need to answers to this mystery.
I called her once more.
Ring, ring
"Yea, where are you?" I asked.
"I'm still at my duty post in the stadium, what of you?
"I'm at the parking lot, at your brother's car, I need to see you now"
"Why, is there any problem?"
-yea, your brother is parading with mean looking security guys and they will have my ass for dinner if they have the information you have-
I thought to myself.
"No, I just want to speak with you"
"Ok, stay put, I will be there in a minute"
-just don't come here with security men-
I found the car, opened it with the keys and found two tickets lying on the back seat. I picked them, locked the car and sat beside it.
I tried to script what I was going to say to her when she arrives.
-Don't forget, silence is golden-
Eight minutes later, she walked towards me and sat beside me. She was wearing a purple free-flowing sleeveless gown which did little to cover her bosoms. She looked more beautiful than the first time I saw her.
"Why are you not inside the stadium?" She asked.
"Nothing, I just want to hang out here. How is the show inside?"
"Its good" she replied.
I wanted to engage her in more small talk to lighten the air, but I had so many questions that needs answers.
"How did you get my number?" I Finally asked.
"My brother gave it to me"
"This morning", she replied. "I was supposed to come pick you at the park if he gets too busy and can't make it. So he gave me your number".
Ok, one question answered. At least I'm getting satisfactory answers.
"What exactly are you doing for them inside there?" I asked again, trying to engage her in other subjects so as not to arouse her suspicion on why I called her.
"I'm one of the ushers at vip 2, its a reserved space for state dignitaries, commissioners with their friends and families".
"What exactly does an usher in such an event do?"
"Well, I usher them to their seats, serve them food, drinks or any other thing they might need", she answered.
Oh, well, enough of the small talk. I've applied the silence rule and it seems emon isn't going to discuss the subjet. So I had to bring it up.
"I got your text message", I said calmly. "But I didn't understand it".
In other to trade carefully, I had to stop and see if she was going to say something.
She just stared at me.
"Honestly, I didn't understand what you were talking about".
"I don't like it when people try to take advantage of me, I didn't expect you to do what you did, so I was disappointed".
Advantage of her? Am I hearing the right words?
"How did I take advantage of you" I asked, rather confused.
"What you did at the cultural centre was not right and. . ."
The text was all about my little encounter with her at the cultural centre and not about flox!
I almost jumped in excitement! I noticed she was still talking so I shifted my attention back to her.
". . . I felt I should inform you how I felt about that. So after I and my brother dropped you off at the house, I sent you the text to clear the air".
I was all smiles, beaming from ear to ear.
Wait a minute. . .
"You said you sent the text when you guys dropped me and left for the stadium?"
"Yes", she replied.
So the text had been on my phone even before my adventure with flox!
Another puzzle resolved!
I kept smiling until she asked me why I was smiling.
"Its not funny, you shouldn't take advantage of people like that".
"Trust me, I never meant it that way. Its just that you're so beautiful that its hard not to notice it. Didn't you notice how I kept staring at you while we were at the car? I just couldn't help it, I wish I could stop, but right now, I still feel like kissing you".
She smiled a bit, then said to me, "you can't believe how many men that tried flirting with me just this night, especially those rich spoilt men I was asked to babysit over there", she said pointing at the vip stand she was ushering.
"You must have gotten used to it", I said.
"Yea, it comes with the job territory. Some tried collecting my number in the presence of their wife. Why are men that way?"
Well, I didn't plan to spend the night gossiping about men. Now I've been giving a clean slate, I need to add more charms and win emon over.
"It also comes with the gender territory", I replied and she smiled.
"Seriously, emon, your beauty is dazzling, just like one of the celebrities on tv, I wish I met you as just emon, and not my friend's sister".
"You talk and act like a player" she said.
-at least you're not as naïve as your sister- I said to myself.
"Really, why so?"
"Well, I see your kind everyday. Meanwhile, what took you so long getting here, where you with your girlfriend?"
This is the third time she mentioned it, so I was bent on finding out what she meant.
"Which girlfriend are you talking about"
"Stop playing dumb, I mean margaret"
"Yea", she continued, "my band mate that you collected number from during our band practice at stadium this evening".
Oh, that!
Final puzzle fixed!
"Where you hanging out with her".
"Not exactly", I decided to sound vague. If emon knew I wasn't with the supposed girlfriend, she might start wondering what I've been doing. And flox might come into the equation.
I didn't want that!
"Anyway", she continued, "I have to warn you about margaret, she is in the same department with me at unical, but a level lower. She has a reputation as the s-l-u-t of the department. She sleeps around with both students and lecturers without caution".
Now that's my kind of girl, straight to the point, a girl that knows what she wants and goes for it. She will be such an interesting character.
"Thanks for the info, but its not margaret that I called this night to be with, its you".
She looked at me, this time with much interest to what I was saying.
" Listen, I wish I could stop feeling this way about you, but I can't, its so natural and flows from the deepest part of my heart".
She blushed and I leaned over and kissed her. She didn't respond. I kissed again, then stood up, held her hand and pulled her up lightly. She stood and I asked her to follow me to the car.
I unlocked the car, opened the back door and she moved inside. I joined her at the back seat, continued the kissing. This time around, there was a little response. That's all I needed. I continued the kissing while my hand went busy, touching and caressing all sensitive places in her body.
I pulled down the slim hand of her gown, it came down and exposed her b-r-e-a-s-t, held lightly by a small bra. I kissed the top of her breas-, moved my hand behind her, just like I have done so many times, I found the bra buckle and unbuckled it perfectly with a hand.
The sight as it bounced out of the slender bra like a freed pigeon turned me on the more. I felt very uncomfortable in the back seat of the car, yet my d--i-c'kk had no qualms being stiff strong. It pushed against my pant as I suck the niples, rubbing one with my hand and sucking simultaneously. She let out a small moan. I couldn't stand it any longer. I wanted some real action and nothing should stop us this time around.
I moved my hand across her folded legs up to her thighs, I caressed the thighs and moved up to pull down her undies, she held my hand.
"No, stop. I have to get back to my duty post".
I pretended I didn't hear that, and continued moving my hands across her thighs. She moved her hips forward and backward involuntarily.
"Please, stop".
"Pleeaasee. . ."
The please was becoming fainter as I started sucking more passionately.
"I really want you now", I said as I tried to pull down the undies again. This time, there was no hesitation.
I loosened my belt, pulled down my trousers, reached out for my wallet, two more gold circle condoms were remaining. I tore one of it open, she moved her legs, hitting my hand on the process, and it fell off.
I was left with just one. I was more careful with it then, tore it open, wore it as I looked down on her bare laps. It was smooth and looked fresh.
I held her hips a little higher, supporting them with my hands, and moved in.
It wasn't the best of all s-e-x, the seats made me uncomfortable, the inside of the car was getting hotter, I was sweating profusely, but the sight of those beautiful breast bouncing as I moved in and out was stimulating. With eyes shut, arms spread and hips moving vigorously, she let out a large moan as I felt the muscles of her inside contract in a rapid orgasm. The contraction squeezed on my d---ck so smoothly that I had to come.
I remained inside of her, gave her some light kisses, rubbed her chest and ribs as she took in very deep breathes to recover from the or----gas---m. I felt her heart beat faster than normal as I caressed her chest.
"I have to get back". She said faintly. I helped her dress up, opened the car and stayed out as she tries to arrange her hair, cloth and make up. I didn't want anyone sneaking up on me, and seeing both of us inside the car.
Minutes later, she left without looking at my direction. I went back inside the car and sat, her perfume still enveloped the entire car. I thought about what just happened and I let out a smile.
Finally, I felt a great satisfaction inside of my. The few minutes of SEX with emon was more satisfactory than 45 minutes with flox.
If my purpose of coming to calabar was to catch some fun, this was it. I tied up the used condom, searched for the one that fell off and found it. I wrapped them together with a paper I found in the car and moved out of the car to get rid of it.
Then something struck my mind, I didn't dispose of the two condoms I used at ibieme's room!
Oh my goosh!
How could I be this careless, it was on the floor, even the wrappers were on top of the bed.
Damn me!
Is it possible that flox disposed them?
I don't think so. She was angry at me when I left, and she must have left immediately. I have to head back and get rid of it before ibieme comes home and sees it.
I need to hand him over his car keys and head home.
I dialed his number, user busy.
Tried again, call waiting.
I waited few minutes later and called back, call waiting.
Then he called, I informed him that I was tired and I needed to rest.
"Where are you?", he asked.
I informed him and he said I should wait for him.
He was looking very sad and upset when he came. I was a bit worried if there was a problem. There were no security men with him, so I was a bit relaxed.
"Is anything the matter", I asked as he approached me.
"Yes, he snorted. My mum just called me to inform me that she found two used condoms

Now this is serious!
I looked over his shoulders to see if the civil defense guy was hiding somewhere. The thought of that guy bullying me gave me shivers. I wouldn't mind dropping dead if he comes around now. After all, its better to die than to commit suicide

"What were two used condoms doing on top of my bed?"
The sound of his harsh voice brought me back to reality. ibieme was my colleague at school, and was not unaware of my numerous flirting at school. It was public knowledge that I was thrown out of the school hostel after being caught Being Intimate at the hostel chapel (ok, I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it wasn't my fault, at least not entirely. You will understand better when you hear the gist much later).
I didn't see his comment as a question, but rather a demand for explanation.
What the heck am I going to tell him? How do I explain what used condoms were doing at his bed. Is there any other explanation other than the obvious?
Only one alternate explanation came to my mind, one that I would have waved away had he not screamed on top of his voice again,
"Are you now dumb?"
"I used them to mast--ur--bate"

That was the most silly thing that had ever come out of my mouth ever since I learnt the use of vowels.
I would have taken back the words if it was possible.
"And I guess flox was there singing songs for you while you were at it", he shouted back, "do you think I am a fool?"
"No, ibi, its not like that. I'm sorry, it was a big mistake, I shouldn't have. . ."
"You are right, having you in my house was a big mistake, trusting you was even a bigger mistake. And you actually think I'm a fool? Telling me that silly made up story!".
He was visibly angry as spits jump out of his mouth as he speaks. He was sweating profusely.
"Who were you romancing inside my car?"
The did had been done, I'm done for. I decided to stay quite.
How did he find out about that one too?
When it rains, it pours!
"Someone just called me to inform me that he saw two people romancing at the back of my car. How could you pick up girls and use my car as a motel?"
There was no need answering that. At least the identity of the girl was still hidden. Not that it mattered to me, but emon deserves better. I still cared about her, but the relationship is severed already.
I felt bitter it had to end this way, my insatiable intimate appetite had landed me in this mess. Now I have to live with this for the rest of my life.
Time to move on.
"I'm really sorry ibieme, I guess I don't deserve your friendship".
"Go to hell", he said rather calmly. "I don't want to see you again".
He collected his car keys and backed away.
Where will I go to? Its few minutes past 11pm, people have started trooping out from the stadium. I don't have anywhere to sleep.
My bag was still at ibieme's room.
"My bag", I said out loudly as he moved away from me. He stopped, turned back and said,
"My dad was so angry with this discovery that he threatened to involve the police. As my guest, I had to plead with him. But I can't tell what will become of you if he dares set his eyes on you again in his house again".
He walked away.
I felt my pocket, I still had my wallet in it. The bag contained my extra clothing, phone charger, house keys and my ipad. Nothing I couldn't replace, so between facing the dad and loosing my bag, I choose the later.
I still had my Atm card in my wallet. I walked away from the stadium. Walked down one of the brightly illuminated streets. The flowers by the roadside were so beautiful, I needed my mind to be in tune with nature.
Isn't it natural to have a intimate urge? If its natural to have an urge, then it should be natural to find a means to satisfy that urge. After all, the bible said. . .
I searched some biblical verses in my mind that justifies my callous acts but couldn't find. The nearest that came to mind was "seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be open unto thee".
I walked past a big sculpture. It was that of a big hand holding a gong and a stick to hit the gong. I read the name beside the sculpture, Cross River State Broadcasting Services.
I kept walking down, I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't mind, I needed to let some things off my mind.
I passed a sign post that read "Nigerian Navy Command". The buildings therein were old but refurbished, the front lawn was well mowed and the fence painted the blue and white official state color of the cross river state.
I saw I sign post of a guest house by the road side. The address read "aso equo close". I walked inside the street and started looking for the guest house.
I couldn't find the exact guest house I saw on the sign post, but I did see another guest house inside the same close.
It was a collection of three bungalows, a small neatly kept lawn with pineapple orchards at one extreme, and a citrus garden at the other.
I moved inside and was met by a fine lady receptionist. I would have appreciated her beauty the more if I wasn't in such a messed up state of mind. There were few people inside the big reception hall. A flat screen adorned the wall at one extreme, with tables scattered in groups across the hall.
"Good evening oh", the receptionist smiled at me.
"I need a room". I said calmly.
She informed me that almost all the rooms were booked, and that they had just two rooms to spare. I asked her to show me around.
She showed me the first room, it was just ok.
"I will take it"
"You no wan see the other wan?" She said in pidgin.
No, I don't need a tour, I have had enough for a day. Can't believe I have been in calabar for a little over six hours. Its been a long day.
"How much"
"Na six thousand, five hundred. The other wan na five thousand five hundred".
"Ok, make I take dis wan", I tried to flow with her pidgin.
I brought out my wallet and counted seven one thousand naira notes. That was almost the last in my wallet.
Tomorrow, I will head to a nearby Atm, get some cash and travel out of this city. I have had enough of calabar.
"Na for only one night?" She asked and I nodded.
"Come make I write receipt for you". She said as she walked away.
I wanted to hesitate. I just need to get my head on a bed, sleep off and leave this city tomorrow. But I followed her to her desk. She gave me a book in which I filled in columns of name, address, phone number of next of kin. . .
She handed me a receipt, a tab of soap, a roll of tissue paper, a towel, a shower cap and the room keys.
"I no need dis wan", I said as I pushed the shower cap towards her.
"Na only you dey sleep dis night".
-no, me and your mum- I tried to curse, but just smiled and said yes.
"Ok, so make I take dis wan. we dey even give free condom if you. . ."
The mention of condom made me walk away from her. After all I've been through this night, I didn't need anyone reminding me how careless I was.
"Your change!"
She said loudly, I kept walking towards the room.
I went inside the room, switched on the air conditioner, removed my cloth and walked into the bathroom for a nice shower.
The water was cold, I let myself soak in it as my mind went through the events of the past few hours.
I took a sad look at my d-ick, I would have dragged you out if I didn't need you for peeing, I thought to myself. Next time I'm in a church and the pastor ask for prayers against enemies in dark places, I'm going to lay my hands on my d--ick and pray fervently against this d--i--ck.
I toweled myself dry and slept off on the bed.
So much for calabar carnival.
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